Parent Rating of Child Disruptive Behavior
Parents completed theCBCL(Achenbach&Rescorla,
2000) for 1 ½ to 5 year olds. The CBCL is a 99-item
parent rating scale to assess the frequency of child
behavioral and emotional problems. The CBCL has
excellent test-retest and interrater reliability as well as
concurrent and discriminant validity (Achenbach &
Rescorla). Children with a rating above the borderline
clinically significant range (i.e., T-score N 64 on the
Aggressive Behavior subscale in Study A and
T-score N 60 on the externalizing behavior scale in
Study B) were included in the current study. The
externalizing problems total scale was utilized as a
measure of child treatment outcome. In this sample,
internal consistency estimates were .70 for the
aggressive behavior subscale and .83 for the externalizing
behavior scale.