Work performance analysis
This is the most important part of your final report. You should describe what you have done during the co-op program in detail here. It mainly comprises of the following:
Summary of work performance
Highlight the outcome from the results and conclude them.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your co-op.
List the mini project(s) which were taken up.
What are the main tasks you have been assigned to in each project?
What are the difficulties you faced in each task and how you dealt with them.
How you solved or worked out each task.
Which methods were used in achieving the objectives or solving the problems Explain the roles played by you
Benefits obtained from the Co-op Education
Describe all benefits obtained from the co-op education programme- some of examples as follows;
"Career related" experience that extends the learning process beyond the limitations of the classroom.
Understand the expectations and requirements of their professional field.
Given an opportunity to evaluate and assess the suitability of their career choice before entering the work force on a full-time basis.
Provide all students regardless of family income levels or other financial aid arrangements-the resources to pay for their own education.
Learn job seeking and job retention skills which include resume writing, letter writing, interviewing, and placement preparation.
Provides students with the opportunity to interact professionally with new people and develop interpersonal and communication skills.
Co-op graduates generally have a degree of confidence upon entering a job situation and usually begin at a higher level of responsibility in their first position.
Job analysis and recommendations for performance improvement
Describe how the co-op has contributed to your personal development. Explain about which personal qualities in you were discovered or enhanced during the co-op? How do you anticipate that these qualities will help you in the future?
Would you recommend a similar co-op with this organization to another student? Why or why not? Explain and justify
List some recommendations that you think helpful for improving the Co-op program.
Suggest changes that you would recommend that would have improved your learning experience.
Should include supervisor(s) advice, comments and suggestions, as well as academic advisor(s)
Should include your option about job assignments that given to you; your comments and recommendations for the situation