The research investigates the effects of prolonged storage of hatching eggs on eggshell conductance (G) and embryonic metabolism of Ross 308 broiler breeder eggs. Hatching eggs were collected, weighed and stored for 10 days. After 10 days, a second group of eggs was collected as in the first, weighed and stored for additional 4 days to set up two pre-incubation storage treatments (4 days and 14 days). A sample of eggs (n=30) were placed in desiccator to determine the G value. Additional eggs (n=24) were incubated in metabolic chambers to monitor daily embryonic O2 consumption and CO2 production for the calculation of embryonic heat production (EHP), a parameter used to indicator embryonic metabolism. All data were analyzed using SAS Proc Mixed procedure at P ≤ 0.05. Egg storage had no effect on initial egg weight before and after egg storage and G. The O2 consumption, CO2 production and EHP were significant particularly during the mid and late periods of incubation in 4 days compared to 14 days storage. Reduction in embryonic metabolism of 14 days stored eggs during late incubation period in can negatively affect embryonic growth, hatching process and chick quality.