ASIMO is capable of many things. Start by walking. ASIMO walking with i-WALK technology that controls the truck can take steady, continuous. Even while changing direction without interruption. All the sections in the body of the ASIMO is relative motion in motion. ASIMO so don't waste a primary or crash. ASIMO stride up and down the stairs, the same as humans. On the characteristics of the right foot and left foot leading pace, by rhythmic. Joint, knee area on both sides will minimize make ASIMO can maintain the body's balance. While walking up and down stairs.
In addition to pace steady and then ASIMO also has the ability to evade someone closer. By assigning user positions approaching the image through the camera eye. Makes it possible to calculate the direction, speed, distance. Anticipate the movement of those who are close to selecting the appropriate routes. Also walk back to make way for someone else.
Based on the body's joints, ASIMO is 34 and thus make ASIMO moving body can naturally tends to options. Rotate the rotor foot stretch arms, including dance, music, rhymes, or move sideways in a characteristic dance of Hawaii and also raise hand Wai and wave greetings as well to humans.