The Last Supper is painted for the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples before his capture and death and are conveyed into the picture cunningly. Additionally in its form, the painting portrays expression through the agitated movements of the Apostles. Leonardo believed that painted figures ought to be represented in a way that those who see them will be able to easily recognize from their attitudes the thoughts of their minds. His Last Supper exemplifies that belief that figures should express emotional and psychological realism. The Apostles are arranged in four groups of three with Christ in the center. Leonardo's depiction of Christ as the focal point in perspective and in the form of a triangle, symbolic of the Trinity, provides for calmness and stability, whereas the gesticulation and facial expressions of the Apostles conveys their sense of astonishment and demonstrate a betrayal of the disciples named Judas.