Receiving operation control
Receiving area
Operation control
Example queue card
Action for abnormal case
when supplier arrived to SRT and completed to fill gate pass has to submit document and weigh truck at weigh point.
after completed weigh truck WH staff will give queue card to driver.
driver has to move the truck to parking area for waiting unloading process.
when WH staff call driver for unloading, driver has to move the truck to area which identify in queue card.
when completed unloading, driver will move the truck to weigh at weigh point and return queue card to WH staff.
Receive area 2
-synthetic rubber
-natural rubber
security guard has to monitor and control all vehicle must be weigh the truck before unloading.
do not allow to unloading during 12.00-13.00 pm / 17.00-17.30 pm / 20.00 pm–06.00 am.
if any vehicle is unloading without queue card or during prohibit period security guard has to stop operation and immediate report to Security section to judgment and prohibit vehicle go outside.