My name is Boonpituk Singto . I am a student of this Khon Kaen Polytechnic college. I got up at 6 o'clock. After that I took a bath and I put on my school uniform. Next I ate breakfast and I prepared my school bag. I went to school at 7 o'clock to by motorcycle. After that I went down to assembly and I sang the national anthem. Next I chanted, and I went up to my classroom and drank some water. Next I learnt English. I ate lunch The restaurant. During the break I played with my friends. After that I learnt Math, Science. Next I went home by motorcycle with I am friend. At home I watched television. I read my schoolbooks and did my homework.After that I eat dinner. I took a bath. I brushed my teeth and After that I play facebook. After that I went go to bed.