Let OPT(j) denote the minimum cost of a solution on servers l through j, given, that
we place a copy of the file at server j. We want to search over the possible places to put
the highest copy of the file before j; say in the optimal solution this at position i. Then
the cost for all servers up to i is OPT(z) (since we behave optimally up to 2), and the
Cost for servers 1+ l ,..., is the sum of the access costs for '6+ l through j, which is
0 + 1+ ._ .+ (j - i - 1) : CQ). We also pay cj to place the server at j.
In the optimal solution, we should choose the best of these solutions over all 2. Thus we
OPT(j) Z U + min(OPT(i) + ),
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