Thank you very much for your kindly sending Mass & RX production report in April ’15 to all Holt mgt concerned.
This report could be showed all of us good understanding today your real situation and progression.
Anyhow in this FY ‘2015 which we are during considering to make 2Q Budget plan and as you knew our Holt have
received the Top mgt Direction and Policy to emphasize on the improvement concern Production yield up ,
Productivity increasing , Cost down and supporting Short delivery pj for both Mass and RX.
Especially today our Mass production yield % was low for Patum Cast PL1 & 4 and Ayutt Cast, Hard and AR Coating
Including Suntect production too. So please kindly more consider and good cooperation with Production engineer
to quick improvement our yield to achieve target plan
For RX also especially surfacing yield % was passed one year time but it is still low production yield % that please
kindly good and quick cooperate with Production engineer and TRD to quick improve our CP NG and lens power
corrective at Surfacing AQAP too.
Moreover for lens B/S and mold B/S build up are also very important for support Short delivery pj too. So please
Kindly good cooperate and support with PC and global w/h to quick set up in order to able to short delivery for
Our customers and finally our target / goal that to be reduce Total inventory of HOYA as well.
Note : the above build up B/S if possible our Holt should be set up to be completed in 2Q in order to the near future
our Holt Mass production both Patm & Ayutt might be have opportunity to support the other product transferring
from our HOYA manufacturing group too.
As the above said, your kindly deeply consider and always good support and management would be highly appreciated.
Again thank you very much for you and all mgt concerned kindly good response and supporting