In the City, ordinary families have several days or even ten days worth of food storage. Always Bright Village is a rural village. They should have stockpiled even more. Yue Zhong had heard the villages around them, the families normally saved a full year of supplies .
Da Gouzi bitterly laughed: “Our village does agricultural tourism, specializing in hosting outside travelers. In the village there are some privately raised pigs, chicken, and fish. However every family had a little saved. The day the whole world suddenly spawned zombies, they bit several people. Everyone either fled or went into hiding.”
“Later on Big Brother Tiger and the rest came. They cleared out village zombies, but the provisions, pigs, and chickens of the village were all snatched away by them. When we ran no one carried much food. There was no method to do so. We are only able to dig up some vegetables and grass to live a meager existence.”
Yue Zhong pointed at the surrounding farmland: “Why not seed there? You only need to plant a few seeds, after a couple months you can collect a some food.”
There were only women and children searching for vegetables on the fields outside the village. There weren’t any poeple cultivating the land. Continuing on like this was out of the question. Only relying on reserves, even if they have a mountain stored up, eventually they will starve.
If there wasn’t anyone assigned to plowing, just the food problem was enough to make people have an endless headache.
Da Gouzi bitterly laughed: “Big brother Tiger bought seeds from the nearby supplier, but those seeds were planted a while ago. They’ve yet to germinate.”
Yue Zhong’s heart sank. If there was no way to resolve the issue of planting seeds, then mankind’s future plight will become more and more difficult. There are many food and supplies scattered all around, but every time they are use there’s less. Furthermore after a while the food will start to mold, and the amount of edible food will become even less.
Yue Zhong threw out the doubting thoughts in his mind, going towards the other places in the village.
In that village, except for the gunmen, everyone looked famished without light in their eyes, the same as a walking corpse. Their eyes couldn’t see a thread of hope.
Several men and women both young and old searched for vegetables and grass they could use.
The group of children that bothered Zhang Xin were all running around the field searching for edible food. The end of the world already took those originally innocent, lively, carefree, and anxiety free children and tempered them into early maturity. They all started to struggle for survival.
The zombies surrounding Always Bright village had already all been cleared out by Big Brother Tiger. Because of this the villagers were able to seek food outside the village.
“Here are two steamed buns. You and your wife accompany me for one day. These two steamed buns are yours.”
Passing a corner, there came a wretched voice.
Yue Zhong’s eyebrows wrinkled.
Looking inside a brick building, a short and small gunman with an 81 rifle held two large white steamed buns and smiled lewdly at two women.
The older woman’s age was over 30. She had a full figure, beautiful appearance, and was wearing a white blouse with jeans looking extremely classy. The younger girl looked only 11 or 12. Her large eyes looks at the gunman brimming with dread. At the same time her eyes frequently glanced at the two large steamed buns. She was already hungry for several days, really wanting to eat one. In the past her she didn’t even look at steamed buns.