„Today, you must die.” After strange Li Hou, stone dagger ancestor Sect Master shouted angrily once again, afterward a sword punctured suddenly, has smuggled layer upon layer the spell together, extremely fierce sword light, then thorn to nine figures of old people.
„Awful.” At this moment, nine figures of old people are also the facial features big changes, felt that the important matter is not wonderful, hurries to spell to try, displayed, several intrepid defense Martial Technique, resists stone dagger ancestor Sect Master the struck.
Meanwhile, the personal appearance also rapidly retrocedes, to avoid this fierce offensive.
„Ping ping”
But how, stone dagger ancestor Sect Master the strikes, was too strong, in the road thunders, layer upon layer disintegrates nine figures of old people's defense Martial Technique unexpectedly, the power and influence not only does not reduce, instead is more intrepid, arrived at nine figures of old people's nears.
„Black Tortoise Armor Technique”
However, in nine figures of old people thought when one must die without doubt, before Chu Feng actually suddenly arrived at nine figures of old people's bodies, displayed Black Tortoise Armor Technique this unsurpassed Secret Skill, since has resisted stone dagger ancestor Sect Master this to strike.
Meanwhile, Eggy is also grazes, but, that black Mist, arranges in the Chu Feng front, has formed a black barrier, horizontally in this void above.
However, they had underestimated stone dagger ancestor Sect Master the strikes, only listens to one to thunder to resound, Eggy that black Mist, was struck to disperse by it.
And that ripples sweep away, Chu Feng as well as Eggy, nine figures of old people, all by the ripples of that terror, were repelled several kilometers, stands firm the personal appearance.
But at the same time, that stone dagger ancestor Sect Master, grasps the stone dagger, attacks to plunder once again.
„Hateful, takes advantage of the forbidden medicine strength unexpectedly, has routed the method of this queen, today must abandon you.”
Own black flame was struck the powder, this makes Eggy fly into a rage, unexpectedly tender body one vertical, is smuggling that boundless black flame, altogether swallowed 13 forbidden medicine stone dagger ancestor Sect Master to fight with that in one.
„Ha, the talent how, Asura Spirit World World Spirit how, today you will die in my hands, Eastern Sea Region all people, will remember my given name.”
Stone dagger ancestor Sect Master was already approximate demented, obtained great power him by forbidden medicine, from breaking rear guard, unexpectedly big mouth, swallowed into two forbidden medicine the mouth, grasped the stone dagger, refusing to admit being inferior fought one group with Eggy.
But with the support of enough 15 formidable forbidden medicine, the stone dagger ancestor Sect Master strength already nearly went against heaven's will, formidable Eggy, feels the huge pressure, was repelled by the enemy unexpectedly again and again, fell into the inferiority.
„This senior, leads your family member to walk quickly.” Saw with own eyes that the matter is not wonderful, Chu Feng brow slightly wrinkle, decisive said to nine figures of old people.
„It is not good, the Chu Feng little friend, you give self up to get rid, rescues us, we cannot throw you not to manage.” Nine figures of old people shake the head the rejection.
„This senior, I have the means to cope with him, but you here, only will become my burden, will walk quickly, otherwise I will receive you to implicate.” Chu Feng dignified road.
„That many thanks Chu Feng little friend, this day graciousness, in the future my nine figures, inevitably repayment.”
After hearing the Chu Feng words, nine figures of old people also no longer hesitate, diving posture one vertical, then plundered to own family member, after the later generation that big sleeve one volume, will survive curled up, then to ancient times Teleportation Array of distant place, grazed to go, wants to flee from this place is apt to get into trouble.
„To walk? You must die!!!” Was seeing with own eyes nine figures of old people must run away, stone dagger ancestor Sect Master is actually unforgiving, is the fierce sword light punctures together, then wants to mediate nine figures of old people's lives.
„Your match is a queen.” However, how Eggy will give stone dagger ancestor Sect Master this opportunity, transfers massive black flame, has kept off stone dagger ancestor Sect Master that sword directly.
„Wa Wa”
However, considers is only rescuing stone dagger ancestor Sect Master Eggy, a negligence, was actually sought the neutral gear by stone dagger ancestor Sect Master, the complementary waves sweep away to come together, wounds Eggy unexpectedly.
„You court death.” Was angry, unexpectedly is also sneak attacked by the opposite party, this makes the Eggy violent anger incomparable, black flame, such as the volcanic eruption is