The college chat rooms are totally Free. No registration is required. You do not have to be a student.
By entering College Chat, You agree to be 16 years of age or older.
Enter a nickname and press "Chat Now". Please be patient as it could take a minute or two to establish a connection.
Keep vulgar language to a minimum & remember to keep respectful while conversing in public.
No phone numbers, emails or instant messaging I.Ds are allowed to be posted in public.
Any suspicious activities relating to the exploitation of chat users, report it to a moderator or admin immediately.
Do not flood the chat room or disrupt other users in any way. You will be banned if you do.
Harassment of any sort is not allowed here, you will be banned if you do.
Any form of discrimination or insults based on race, religion or coital preferences are not allowed.
Nudity on webcam, IP rolling, trolling or flooding the room is strictly prohibited.
Although we do staff moderators, they cannot be on every minute of the day.
Do not give out any personal information to anyone, no matter how trustworthy they may seem.
Do not post any external links in public. You will be removed if you do so.
Hacking or exploiting of the chat is a punishable offense by law. We have logs and will report to ISP/Police anyone who does.
PERMANENT server bans will be placed to users who attempt to exploit or hack our chatrooms.