6. Validation
Validation falls under the general heading of
V&V or verification and validation. Again this is
an area in which there seems to be some
ambiguity about the meaning of the individual
terms. IEEE standard 1012-1998 defines
requirements validation as the process of
evaluating an implemented system to determine
whether it conforms to the specified requirements
[35]. However this definition does not take into
account the fact that the specified requirements
may fall short of capturing the real needs of the
stakeholders. The SWEBOK defines validation as
the process of ensuring that the engineer has
understood the requirements correctly, in other
words “Have we got the right requirements?”,
while verification is defined as the process of
ensuring that the requirements documents
conform to specified standards. Verification
addresses the question of “Have we got the
requirements right?” [5]. Perhaps rather wisely
many organizations simply include all the
activities aimed at ensuring that the software will
function as required under the single umbrella of
Validation practices should be built into every
stage of the requirements process in order to
ensure a quality product. Studies [36] have shown
that errors introduced during requirements are the
most costly to repair because of their far reaching
implications into the system. Furthermore, as
depicted in Figure 5, it is generally accepted that
the relative cost to repair a software error
progressively increases at later stages of the
lifecycle model, thereby underlining the
importance of early V&V activities. Typical
methods include reviews, prototypes, models and
acceptance tests [37].
6. Validation Validation falls under the general heading ofV&V or verification and validation. Again this isan area in which there seems to be someambiguity about the meaning of the individualterms. IEEE standard 1012-1998 definesrequirements validation as the process ofevaluating an implemented system to determinewhether it conforms to the specified requirements[35]. However this definition does not take intoaccount the fact that the specified requirementsmay fall short of capturing the real needs of thestakeholders. The SWEBOK defines validation asthe process of ensuring that the engineer hasunderstood the requirements correctly, in otherwords “Have we got the right requirements?”,while verification is defined as the process ofensuring that the requirements documentsconform to specified standards. Verificationaddresses the question of “Have we got therequirements right?” [5]. Perhaps rather wiselymany organizations simply include all theactivities aimed at ensuring that the software willfunction as required under the single umbrella ofV&V. Validation practices should be built into everystage of the requirements process in order toensure a quality product. Studies [36] have shownthat errors introduced during requirements are themost costly to repair because of their far reachingimplications into the system. Furthermore, asdepicted in Figure 5, it is generally accepted thatthe relative cost to repair a software errorprogressively increases at later stages of thelifecycle model, thereby underlining theimportance of early V&V activities. Typicalmethods include reviews, prototypes, models andacceptance tests [37].
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