● Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
Toshiba Group sets self-regulation standards stricter than
legal standards regarding atmospheric emissions and discharges into hydrosphere so as to ensure that all its business
and production sites comply with environmental rules. We
conduct in-house environmental audits in order to identify
potential environmental risks and to prevent environmental
accidents. We also develop group-wide initiatives by sharing
information, such as the results of internal audits on individual business and production sites, new regulation policies,
and examples of accidents in other companies from among
group companies.
There were no violations of environmental rules and regulations discovered in Toshiba Group companies in FY2012.
Detailed information is presented on our website to show
what measures are taken to ensure legal compliance at our
business and production sites.
● Response to environmental risks
The Risk Compliance Committee examines how to cope
with diversified risks under the direct supervision of the
President and also takes measures to prevent environmental
If any environmental risk should materialize, the Corporate
Environment Management Division and the environmental
promotion managers and other concerned parties of in-house companies, key group companies and business and
production sites work in collaboration under the direction
of the Corporate Environmental Officer to implement appropriate measures, including sharing information, checking relevant business and production sites and preventing recurrences.