A headache is a pain in the head which almost everyone feels at one time or another. Almost half of all people have a headache at least once a year. Most headaches are not dangerous but they get in the way of your work and disturb your life. Although many people see a doctor when they have a headache, physicians normally cannot see any causes in their offices.
Types of headaches
There are two main types of headaches- tension headaches and migraines.
Tension headaches cause a mild to strong pain in the head. Many people describe such headaches as a tightening feeling. Some headaches cause a dull pain that can last for hours. They occur anywhere from the front to the back of your head. Other people feel asharp, throbbing pain in their head.
About 20% of all headaches are migraines. They are strong headaches that can cause extreme pain. They can last as long as a couple of days. Warning signs like nausea, vomiting and seeing flashes of light sometimes occur shortly before migraines attack. Such aforewarning is called an aura. Migraines are often passed down to you from your parents and grandparents.
Causes of headaches
Headaches are a disorder of the nervous system. Even though the exact causes of a headache are not clear most of them are caused by the widening of blood vessels combined with chemicals that are set free around them. Nerves send pain messages to your brain.
There are many factors that can lead to a headache. Here are some of them:
not enough sleep
not enough water
watching TV or looking at a computer screen for a long time
coffee, tea and certain foods
Sometimes headaches can be caused by injuries and infections. Emotional factors like depression, sadness, being afraid of something can also lead to pain in the head.
Source: http://www.english-online.at/health_medicine/headache/headache-disorder-of-nervous-system.htm