The presence of these types of packaging
materials in landfills can be problematic on many fronts.
First, if plastic is not recycled, these items end up in
land- fills, where they can last forever and never
degrade. Secondly, many countries are faced with a
decrease in landfill space, especially in densely
populated areas. So, finding landfills for consumer and
industrial waste may become more difficult in the future
(Comstock et al., 2004).
Another factor to consider is the dependence on
petroleum products in the production of plastic
packaging materials. With rising petroleum costs, there
The presence of these types of packagingmaterials in landfills can be problematic on many fronts.First, if plastic is not recycled, these items end up inland- fills, where they can last forever and neverdegrade. Secondly, many countries are faced with adecrease in landfill space, especially in denselypopulated areas. So, finding landfills for consumer andindustrial waste may become more difficult in the future(Comstock et al., 2004).Another factor to consider is the dependence onpetroleum products in the production of plasticpackaging materials. With rising petroleum costs, there
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