Scrappy is chosen as the main ability so that Kangaskhan can flinch a Ghost-type with Fake Out should a situation require it, such as to stop Trevenant or Jellicent from setting up Trick Room. When it comes to natures, an Adamant one is generally preferred, as it can achieve the above KOs. Furthermore, Kangaskhan has no shortage of priority moves, so the extra Speed bestowed by a Jolly nature is less necessary. However, it can be useful to get the jump on max Speed base 90s such as Landorus-T and Lucario, outspeed neutral natured base 100s such as Volcarona, have a better chance to oust opposing Fake Out Mega Kangaskhan, and Speed tie with max Speed 100s such as Charizard. As far as alternate EV spreads are concerned, Mega Kangaskhan can relinquish her Speed EVs and instead add them to HP in order to take better advantage of her naturally high bulk, which proves especially handy should Mega Kangaskhan have some form of speed control support.