Despite the assumption that the integration of ICT influences the entire school system, research focusing on ICT in
schools is generally limited to the study of variables at class level. In contrast to these studies, the present research explores
ICT integration from a school improvement approach. More particularly, it examines the local school policy with respect
to ICT integration from both the principal’s perspective and perceptions of teachers. Furthermore, it studies the relationship
between school policies and the actual use of ICT in the classroom. To answer the research questions, a representative
sample of 53 primary school principals was interviewed. In addition, the interview data were supplemented with survey
data of 574 teachers from the same 53 schools. What emerged from the analyses was that school-related policies, such
as an ICT plan, ICT support and ICT training have a significant effect on class use of ICT. In addition, the findings from
the interviews indicate that school policies are often underdeveloped and underutilised. The discussion section focuses on
challenges to improve the potential of an ICT school policy.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
AbstractDespite the assumption that the integration of ICT influences the entire school system, research focusing on ICT inschools is generally limited to the study of variables at class level. In contrast to these studies, the present research exploresICT integration from a school improvement approach. More particularly, it examines the local school policy with respectto ICT integration from both the principal’s perspective and perceptions of teachers. Furthermore, it studies the relationshipbetween school policies and the actual use of ICT in the classroom. To answer the research questions, a representativesample of 53 primary school principals was interviewed. In addition, the interview data were supplemented with surveydata of 574 teachers from the same 53 schools. What emerged from the analyses was that school-related policies, suchas an ICT plan, ICT support and ICT training have a significant effect on class use of ICT. In addition, the findings fromthe interviews indicate that school policies are often underdeveloped and underutilised. The discussion section focuses onchallenges to improve the potential of an ICT school policy. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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