We further investigated the factors affecting teenage
marital pregnancy. As we found, three variables affected
teenage pregnancy. Of the significant predictors, in our
study, age appeared to have a mixed effect on teenage
marital pregnancy, i.e., women aged 20-24 years were
more likely while women aged 25-29 years were less
likely to experience teenage marital pregnancy. This is
rather unexpected finding as contraceptive prevalence
rate (CPR) was higher five years ago [[19] NIPORT et
al, 2004]. compared to the current CPR [[15] NIPORT
et al, 2007] suggesting that women aged 20-24 years
should have lower teen pregnancy due to higher CPR at
that time. Perhaps this unexpected finding may be
because of higher traditional contraceptive method use
in five years ago compared to current situation where
despite decreased CPR modern method relatively
increased [[15] NIPORT et al, 2007].
We further investigated the factors affecting teenagemarital pregnancy. As we found, three variables affectedteenage pregnancy. Of the significant predictors, in ourstudy, age appeared to have a mixed effect on teenagemarital pregnancy, i.e., women aged 20-24 years weremore likely while women aged 25-29 years were lesslikely to experience teenage marital pregnancy. This israther unexpected finding as contraceptive prevalencerate (CPR) was higher five years ago [[19] NIPORT etal, 2004]. compared to the current CPR [[15] NIPORTet al, 2007] suggesting that women aged 20-24 yearsshould have lower teen pregnancy due to higher CPR atthat time. Perhaps this unexpected finding may bebecause of higher traditional contraceptive method usein five years ago compared to current situation wheredespite decreased CPR modern method relativelyincreased [[15] NIPORT et al, 2007].
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