Wyatt walked on. He knew that there would be many accidental deaths in this hurricane. But he could not stop thinking about another death, the death of an army of men a lled in the hurricane, but not accidentally.Favel's headquarters was a number of holes in the ground were hurrying up with reports, and soon Favel called Wyatt to him.
"Your hurricane was as bad as you promised, Mr Wyatt," Said. "I'm sending some of my men up the Negrito valley to he e people. How long have we got before the wind returns?'
For some minutes they looked at maps and discussed the floods and the storm damage to roads and bridges. Wyatt told him as much as he could about the second half of the hurrica.
"I'm very grateful for your help, Mr Wyatt," Favel said gently.
Wyatt walked back to join Dawson, who was talking Manning.Dawson turned quickly to Wyatt and said excitedly,'Hey, Manning tells me he's had a report about some foreigners up the Negrito valley. About eight kilometres up. Perhaps it's your Julie and the others.' Wyatt's heart gave a violent jump inside him. "I'm going there at once," he said wildly, and turned to leave.
Manning caught his arm. "You'll never get there on foot before the storm starts again. Look, you can borrow my army car.I kept it safe from the hurricane.'