Mint (Mentha spicata L.) is a genus of the Labiatae
family, which comprises a wide number of species,
varieties and hybrids [1]. It helps in colds, flu, fever, poor
digestion, motion sickness, food poisoning and throat
ailments [2-4]. Mint as flavoring agent is coming after
vanilla and citrus flavor over the world [5].
Mint is perishable due to its high moisture content
(60%~88%), thereby requiring the use of preservation
methods for its further use [6]. Hot air drying is one of
the traditional food preservation method for high moisture
materials. Dehydration extends product shelf life,
minimizes packaging requirements and reduces shipping
weights [6, 7]. The dehydration increases the shelf life by
slowing microorganisms growth and preventing certain
biochemical reactions that might alter the organoleptic
characteristics [7, 8]. Therefore, the mint was dehydrated
at a different temperature (55~95 oC). The qualities of the
dehydrated mint were compared in the current study.