The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network
with 189 member National Societies. Each year, we reach
150 million people in need with life-saving assistance. The
IFRC Global Logistics Service (GLS) is a recognized provider
of humanitarian logistics services. It has a permanent
network of logistics units strategically located in Panama,
Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Nairobi, Beirut and Las Palmas, with a
secretariat-based department in Geneva. The GLS manages
its fleet services from its logistics office in the International
Humanitarian City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Since 2005, in recognition of our global logistics expertise,
the IFRC was accredited by the Directorate General for
Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) as a
humanitarian procurement centre. Similarly, our excellence in
logistics was recognized in 2006, when the GLS was declared
the overall winner of the European Supply Chain Excellence
Award, competing against strong candidates from the
commercial sector.
The volume of GLS business grows in line with emerging
humanitarian needs. On average, since 2007 the GLS has
yearly mobilized and delivered over 220 million Swiss francs’
worth of humanitarian aid. Per month, the GLS supports 60
humanitarian operations across the world.