6. The activities teachers apply to measure and evaluate the students’ affective
competencies gained at the Science and Technology course
Six of the interviewed teachers stated that they did not make a realistic evaluation to determine the
students‟ affective competencies since they found the explanations about the measurement and
evaluation at the program very complicated. Instead, they emphasized that they planned their lessons
as more oriented to the success at the placement test so they did not evaluate the affective gains.
"Frankly speaking, I don‟ use any evaluation instrument for this purpose. We have seen a
lot of evaluation instruments but I mean, nobody understood anything. We have
participated to the seminars as well. However, we did not understand anything.” (T15).
“The classes are too crowded. Also, there is not so much at a hand, I mean, it is not so
easy to evaluate a student‟s attitude towards the Science course. The forms do not
involve so much realistic things. Honestly, I did not give the questionnaire this year”
The opinions of teachers, who declared that they evaluated the students‟ affective gains related to the
course, also their instruments and measurement and evaluation techniques are presented in Table 10.