The utilization of biogas is feasible for large scale ranch [2, 3, 4] and the feasibility is reality for low cost
integration system [6]. In very small scale ranch in Philippine, the feasibility of a domestic biodigester programme
will vary much per geographical area [5]. The farmer’s raising pattern that let the cattle roam freely imply in the
difficult to collect the manure and just little manure left to be fed into a biodigester. The economic study then
focusing in pig farmers, the result show that for small farmers raising 3 pig (equivalent with 1 cow)the biogas
digester programme is not feasible with IRR -11% [5]. The feasibility will be higher with the larger runch scale, the
IRR of biogas digester programme in small farmers raising 6 pigs will be 3% [5]. However, according to Arias
(2009) [6], improving and optimizing the digester at low scale, maintaining a low cost system may be a solution to
improve the financial indicators. It was also known that the expensive price of the digester in Philippine caused the
low feasibility of domestic biogas biodigester programme in this country [5].