Smart buildings
Green Buildings integrated to the power system
• Buildings are a form of energy storage device. It is key to understand the role they can play as an
active player in a Smart Grid system buildings (including refrigerated warehouses) store heat (or
retain coolness) in their thermal mass.
• The building operator can reduce a building's HVAC load—the energy required to heat, ventilate, or
air-condition the building—temporarily, because a building will (within limits) retain its temperature
for some period of time that depends on its mass, outside temperature, and other factors.
• Studies indicate some buildings can shed 60 percent of HVAC-related electric demand for two-hour
load shed events and 80 percent for 20-minute events for facilities with rooftop chiller units that can
turn off compressors. These buildings usually include small offices, office areas within warehouse
facilities, schools, lodging, and other facilities. Large office and college buildings that can make set
point adjustments to reduce demand can shed 50 percent for both two-hour events and 20-minute
Smart buildingsGreen Buildings integrated to the power system• Buildings are a form of energy storage device. It is key to understand the role they can play as anactive player in a Smart Grid system buildings (including refrigerated warehouses) store heat (orretain coolness) in their thermal mass.• The building operator can reduce a building's HVAC load—the energy required to heat, ventilate, orair-condition the building—temporarily, because a building will (within limits) retain its temperaturefor some period of time that depends on its mass, outside temperature, and other factors.• Studies indicate some buildings can shed 60 percent of HVAC-related electric demand for two-hourload shed events and 80 percent for 20-minute events for facilities with rooftop chiller units that canturn off compressors. These buildings usually include small offices, office areas within warehousefacilities, schools, lodging, and other facilities. Large office and college buildings that can make setpoint adjustments to reduce demand can shed 50 percent for both two-hour events and 20-minuteevents.
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