Moreover, there seems to be o lot more tension among our managers s the last two years the general manager of professions services seems to be doing a good job. and she s are about the praise re given her aut the generol monoger of industriol Products iosii ggers at me every time we meet. And last week, when iwos eating lunch the ger or consumer Products, the product development monager tome over to our solei ly burned my ears over onew product proposal of hers you rejected the other doy rm wondering Ishould follow up on the ideo that coren rous in Personne Brou from the two-doy organization development workshop she ottended over or the smi thinks we ought to hove o one doy off-site retreat of ol the corporote ond divisiondr nogers to talk over this entire return on investment matter
1. Why was Neil's new product proposal rejected? Should 201 been? Brea
2. 2. what inferences do you draw from a cash flow statement for divisions useful?
3. 3. hat inferences do you draw from the comparative balance sheets and inc for 2014 and 2015?
4. 4. Evaluate in which Randall and Hubbard have implemented the manner center concept. What pitfalls did they apparently not anticipate?
5. 5. hat, if anything, should Randall do now about his investment center approach
6. 6. Design a balanced scorecard for Consumer, Industrial, and Professional of Enager Industries. Be specific for each division.
7. 7. What other advice do you have for Randall and Hubbard?