The most inconvenient thing after coming to this world was, the lack of internet.
Internet. The symbol of modern civilisation. The treasury of knowledge. The string of electricity that can connect to anywhere.
You can find any and everything on it.
What you want to know, what you don’t know, things you find weird etc.
And, everyone is connected through it.
For example—someone you want to meet, someone you want to contact with, someone with whom you want to talk and even with people you don’t know anything about.
That’s why, I really want the internet here.
Why looking at the clear blue sky, I thought of this.
Currently, Souichi-kun should be going to a school somewhere, he should have free time as well.
Couldn’t I call him and have him kill these Orcs for a bit?
After all, it’s the duty of the Brave to kill monsters, right?
“Renji-san, how does this hole look?”(fran)
While breathing heavily, Miss Francesca asked me so while I was thinking of stupid things.
Her expression was filled with confidence and a wide smile.
Her hair stuck to her forehead with sweat and her bright smile felt way too dazzling.
…….though what she’s saying is very weird.
Should a girl of this age be talking about ‘holes’ like this in such a loud voice? Though I am the type who likes it.
But I think I’ll be killed if her parents knew of this. While I thought of such things inside my head, I moved my gaze towards the pitfall created by Miss Francesca.
“Not bad, I guess?”(renji)
Width- 80cm, depth- around 2.5m. It’s a well made hole in which I’d completely fit.
It’s a size out of which an Orc would definitely be unable to get out.
Miss Francesca held her both hands and seemed to be filled with happiness.
She must be really happy because I think she might be crying a little.
Well, after being made to create over 50 holes, anyone would cry I guess.
“Then, let’s fill up the holes next.”(renji)
“If you dig then you also have to bury them back. If you leave so many holes beside the highway, I think you’ll be scolded you know?”
“…….even though Renji-san was the one who made me do this.”
“It’s fine. I’ll also help.”
As I gave a wry smile as she seemed to be a bit angry, I picked up the shovel I had borrowed from the villagers.
Seeing me like that, Miss Francesca breathed a sigh.
[Ah…….It was the same when Aya created these holes for the first time as well right?]
Yeah. It’s a nostalgic memory.
After that, as a result of the training, a specialised hole creating magician had been born.
That really was a pitiful incident, really. It’s a part of the sad past of the [Grand Magus]. Even now it’s the same though.
While thinking about such things of the past, I lowered my shovel into the mountain of dirt beside Miss Francesca.
And threw it inside the nearby hole.
“But, Renji-san can’t really use magic right?”(fran)
While I was filling up the hole, Miss Francesca said in a surprised voice.
By the way, she’s filling up holes back with magic.
Yeah, magic really is convenient.
“Why are you so informed about magic?”(fran)
“I’m not really that informed. Probably.”
“No such thing. At least, I think only Renji-san has thought of a magic to create such pitfalls.”
Well probably, I think someone somewhere is still using them, those pitfalls.
“I’m told that often. That I have a weird way of thinking.”(renji)
My way of thinking about magic is similar to elfs and pixies…….spirit magic of the demi-humans or so I’m told.
Humans are the ones who specialise in direct attack magic.
In contrast, the demi-humans use surprise attacks, restraints, status afflicting—–basically indirect magic.
Humans and demi-humans have begun to have a better exchange in culture in recent years since they found a common enemy in the Demon God.