I must thank you very much for your e-mail.
I wanted to introduce myself to you to know about me more.
And we can start learn each other.
My name is sangsuda age 28 years
I'm a simple man, I don't like the make-up and dress luxury.
I like Thai cooking (but not delicious. Hehehe).
I like natural attractions, such as parks, mountains, waterfalls, sea.
My family is father mother brother and sister.
I live in city chaiyaphum far away from Bangkok, 342 kilometers.
I work about administration and documents.(Royal forest department).
Workplace 125 kilometers away from my home.
I rent a room to ease and near work.
Sometimes I walk to work or drive a motorcycle Because my room near the Office.
I work Monday to Friday and will stop every Saturday and Sunday.And I will return home to live with my parents every Saturday and Sunday.
My working hours are from time to time 08.30 - 16.30 clock.
I was single and never married. I had a boyfriend, but he left me. I'm with male friends we work in different provinces It made us so far, and he has a new woman.
This is why I want to use TAGGED to find someone who can live with me, really love me, love without lies and deception.
"I Don't Need Somebody Perfect And I Do Not Want A Perfect Relationship, I Just Need Someone Who's Loyal And Won't Give Up On Me".
But I can speak English a little. I do not think language is a barrier between us.
I think we can slowly, slowly learn each other, in good friendship
I must apologize to you very much To be taking the time to read my text.
Feel honored to talk to you