After reviewing the program goals and objectives with the staff, the evaluator asked each member to list the knowledge, skills and attitudes the program should address. Then the evaluator asked the staff members to agree on explicit program objectives that is to say, the extent to which they expected the youth to demonstrate the desired behavior by the completion of the one- year program. The program staff then developed detailed evaluation processes to assess whether or not those objectives had been me. The processes included food shopping with the youths to determine whether they could purchase the food items required for the preparation of a meal, observing them cook meals at their apartments, monitoring their use of household cleaning items and overseeing their financial transactions at the bank. The staff also developed a questionnaire to test the youths knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases, birth control and community resources for leisure activities. The evaluator and the staff together finalized the evaluation instrument. Then the staff members used the instrument they had developed to evaluate the youths performance. The program director and the evaluator analysed much of the qualitative data, while the evaluator relied on computer programs to analyse the quantitative data.