Unlike other studies with a defined length of
intervention time, this study was based on the
patients’ inpatient stay. Therefore, the length of
study varied with individual patients, which
may affect the role that time plays on the
outcome measures. As this was a randomized
trial with almost equal mean inpatient stay
length in both groups (18.7 4.2 days in
the control group vs. 18.3 3.5 days in the
experimental group, p ¼ .73), the two groups
were considered comparable overall in terms
of the effect of time. In addition, the variance
in inpatient stay is what actually occurs in a
clinical setting, which indicates the clinical
applicability of our intervention.
Unlike other studies with a defined length ofintervention time, this study was based on thepatients’ inpatient stay. Therefore, the length ofstudy varied with individual patients, whichmay affect the role that time plays on theoutcome measures. As this was a randomizedtrial with almost equal mean inpatient staylength in both groups (18.7 4.2 days inthe control group vs. 18.3 3.5 days in theexperimental group, p ¼ .73), the two groupswere considered comparable overall in termsof the effect of time. In addition, the variancein inpatient stay is what actually occurs in aclinical setting, which indicates the clinicalapplicability of our intervention.
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