It’s a frightening 3000+ word chapter... wish me luck guys... [done! just pretty tired to post it faster include the earlier chapter]
16 Raising Level
「Hey, Aria. Mimily. Should we go to raising level」
I proposed the next morning after our day in the hot spring.
After all< aria’s level is 18. While Mimily is 19.
Even if it’s not weak considering this world standard, it’s still undependable comparing it to mine. (T/N: duh... should you even say that? You bug cheat!)
「Raising Level! At last, Tetsuya-san will tell me his ougi (secret technique / secret)!」
Aria is looking at me with eye full of expectation.
Ah, if I’m not wrong , isn’t this girl say that she want to be my apprentice.
However, it’s a pity but I don’t have an ougi you know.
「I’ve been saying this before but, there’s no shortcut to became strong! You ought to be steadily train to become strong. But, as long as I’m here, I think I could help you」
「If it Tetsuya-san then it will be meant as 100 person. Let’s go immediately. Hora, mimily-san wake up please」
Mimily is sleeping in the bed.
It’s somehow pitiable to forcibly wake her up, so let’s let her as it is.
After all, we’ll move together with the bed.
It’s no problem even if she’s asleep.
That’s why, Aria and Mimily and me, fly in the sky, with the bed today. (T/N: isn’t it ‘Everyday’ *palm face*)
「By the way Tetsuya-san. Where were we going to? 」
「I don’t particularly decide it yet but. Let’s search a monster that Aria and Mimily could barely beat. I think practically it will be an intensive training 」
「I see. The sound of ‘barely’ is somehow frightening but……if Tetsuya-san is with us then its relieving!」
「Un. I’ll immediately safe you when it became dangerous」
「sasutetsu desu!」(T/N: it’s the last time [Sasuga tetsuya-san – as expected of tetsuya ] )
Aria is hugging *gyutto* , while her breast is *munitto* pressing against me.
「Uwaa I, how bold , Aria」
「Eee. It’s a thank for Tetsuya-san because I always indebted to him. Since this is the only thing I could give!」(T/N: shame on you tetsuya! Give her 18+ rated moves already! *lol* )
While I’m tasting a great delight, the bed is flying towards a rocky mountain.
Somehow, I got a feeling that there are a monster there.
I mean, Wherever I go, whichever monster did I met.
The problem is, strenth of the monster, is it good enough to become those two’s enemy or not.
「Yosh. Let’s search it around here」
I lower the bed in the rugged side in the middle of a rocky mountain.
There’s not even on tree, there’s just a sparse amount of grass it’s a dreary place.
「Mimily-san, wake up already, it’s the time to raising level you know. Just how long do you want to use that pyjama」
There’s no sign of waking up.
「Aria. Let’s just change her clothes ourselves without permission」
I’m taking out Mimily’s clothes from the storage space.
「That’s right huh. yoishotto」
Thus Aria rouse Mimily’s body, taking off her pajama without permission and dress her.
Then finally Mimily opens her eyes, and letting out a big yawn.
「Good morning……Are, Me, Since when did I changes my clothes……?」
「Since you’re not wake up, I kinda did it」
「hmm……but there are also Tetsuya here. By any chance did you see?」
Mimily is staring at me.
「Un. I’ve seen it」
I answer her honestly.
「It’s been a long time since you know that I’m a pervy isn’t it. For letting herself being unprotected in front of the pervy me, how careless Mimily」
「I’m defeated in an argument. I can’t even refute it」
Mimily is admitting her defeat.
「Because I’m in shock that I was defeated in Argument I’ll sleep」
「hey hey」
I lift Mimily’s body, and let her down off the bed.
Then she look at me enviously, and I let her stand on her own feet.
After that, Aria and Mimily is lined up.
「Are? Is Tetsuya-san not won’t get down?」
「Uーn…… It’s because I don’t want to walk around」
「You’ve surpisingly a useless human more than expected! Since we’ve come here let’s lap around for now right, Mimily-san!」 (Tn: Should we call him MADAO from now on?)
「Aria. Don’t you feel bitter to say that yourself?」
Mimily has a sharp tongue.
「…………Not even a little!It’s because I’m a chairman of pampering Tetsuya-san!」
「There’s a little time interval there」
「It, it’s just your imagination desu!」
Pampering chairman and fox eared girl start to walking side by side in the rocky mountain.
While I’m following them behind atop the bed.
And soon, from the shadow of the rock one monster jumped out.
It’s a little big. Have a size of a wagon.
It’s an organism that have an upper body of a eagle, while it’s lower body of a lion.
In other words, it’s a gryphon.
「st, it look so strong desu!」
Aria say aloud while being frightened, and draw her sword from her waist.
Mimily too, grippi