_____ I have identified my learning preferences and the strategies that work for me.
_____ I can describe how my disability affects me as a student and the accommodations I need.
_____ I am researching other assistive technology tools that might increase my opportunities (if this applies to me).
_____ I am keeping track of changes in my goals, interests and skills.
_____ I have contacted the post-secondary programs in which I am most interested.
_____ I have gathered all the information I need about the schools' disability services, registration procedures and timelines, assessment and accommodation requirements.
_____ I have visited/taken part in an open house at the schools I am interested in.
_____ I am ready to apply/I have applied to the program(s).
_____ I have identified funding sources for my post-secondary education.
_____ I understand and have met/will meet the assessment and other requirements.
_____ I am ready to apply/I have applied for funding.
_____ I continue to research occupations I am interested in.