From the narrative of Mr. Theng Santachit,Mr. huad sudpoare, Mr. Tumma Tita,Told that, In the year 2414 the family home is haorton and home is Tagdad From ROI ET province. Led by leaders 3 people is Mr.Hong sudto ,Mr.Ta samomhom ,Mr.Aan sudhuer and they came to evacuate their families in the area between the Ban Kantai and Ban Kannue because to explore the fertile areas suitable to set up villages. and they have found areas where there are abundant forests and fertile areas and the creek. So have moved the family into the House in the area. Is the area that skew from health station now. But, still under the administration by Ban Kannua.
In the year 2445 the village has requested a separate from ban Kannue. And named the village "ban Nongkoon" Because of the location name, Ban Nong Koon because Located at Nong Koon field. assume that around The swamps are have Koon Tree as many. Which is the farm of Mr.Hong sudto
So it the name "Ban Nong Koon ".Until today. By the Mr. Chan is a village headman who first