ABSTRACT: This study aimed to: 1) develop Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) for an electrical circuit course; 2)
determine the effectiveness of the CAI; 3) determine the effect on learning; and 4) determine user satisfaction of the
CAI. The tools used for this study were: 1) the CAI for an electrical circuit course; 2) a test of learning achievement;
and 3) a questionnaire for students’ satisfaction, with 30 students as the sample. It was found that the developed CAI
has effectiveness higher than the defined criteria, 80/80. The pre-test scores and post-test scores showed that the
students had a learning achievement 60% higher than the defined criteria (60%). The students’ satisfaction towards this
CAI is very satisfied. Therefore, it can be concluded that this developed CAI for the electrical circuit course could be
utilised as an effective self-learning tool.