This is an electrical supply line, either overhead or underground, which runs from the substation, through various paths, ending with the transformers. It is a distribution circuit, usually less than 69kV , which carries power from the substation. With the loads.
Feeders are the conductors which are of large current carrying capacity.The feeders connect the substation to the area where power is to be finally distributed to the consumers.No tappings are taken from the feeders.The feeder current always remain constant.The voltage drop along the feeder is compensated by compounding the generator.
A feeder is conductor which connects the substation to the area where power is to be distributed.
Feeder are used to feed the electrical power from the generating station to the substation.
No tapings are taken from the feeder
So the current in it remains the same throughout.
Main consideration in the design of feeder is the current carrying capacity.