2.9 Generate Mesh and Run FEA
Now save the file and click on the toolbar button with yellow mesh: . This action generates a triangular mesh for your problem. If the mesh spacing seems to fine or too coarse you can select block labels or line segments and adjust the Mesh size defined in the properties of each object. To adjust all of the mesh sizes in your model at once, press the button to refine the mesh in all blocks or the button to coarsen the mesh in all blocks. Once the mesh has been generated, click on the “turn the crank” button to analyze your model. Processing status information will be displayed. If the progress bars do not seem to be moving then you should probably cancel the calculation. This can occur if insufficient boundary conditions have been specified. For this particular problem, the calculations should be completed within a second. There is no confirmation for when the calculations are complete, the status window just disappears when the processing is finished.