We need to solve the problems that are causing such as family or environment we cultivate, ranging from children that people are rich, the poor are born. In a different, but if you come in the same society and have the status of a person who is entitled to receive. Equality is the same, regardless of the legal aspects of the service. The behavior that is obtained from the surrounding peoples, or if it is burning, it must have a method to solve. Can adjust to life is smooth for me now is, when the people we grow, we will need a more social/working age is not? Adults or even children. To join the society, it is the attitudes that conflict with the idea or the original behavior. Summer emotions Our modified to itself to better see the world, listen to others, a wider. There is a reason and sanity in life. Social environment, around friends or society. Good or bad, though, as our behaviour pure says we have the right people so choose, they choose to meet a good thing. Our life is not a problem as there are a few, but it makes us happy in life every day. Because we know and understand.