The third issue is increasing complexity of security provision
So why are organisations not seeing a better return on their security investment. Surely more tools would make their security teams more effective wouldn’t they ?
Well in short, no, and here’s why.
Security teams are caught in a vicious cycle of buying more standalone tools to tackle the latest ‘problem du jour’. Any isolated effectiveness these tools have becomes short-lived as adversaries adapt. Therefore this behavior actually compounds complexity and in turn ironically diminishes security effectiveness over time.
Why is that ?...well as malware becomes more sophisticated, better at evading protection by navigating gaps between tools and increasingly tricky to detect; analysts have to manually “connect the dots” between data and systems, as many of the tools are stovepiped. This needs more time and people - which is precisely what we don’t have
So in fact its quite the opposite, the more tools we acquire the more unsustainable the situation becomes