Sustainability is a major subject of interest in th
e field of business and environmental management.
Many previous studies have emphasized the trade-off
between economic activities and their negative
effects on the environment. Moreover, previous stud
ies have focused principally on manufacturing
enterprises; however, only a few studies conducted
thus far have concerned themselves with the
logistics sector. This study fills these gaps by te
sting the causal relationship between proactive gre
management and the sustainable performance of logis
tics enterprises in Korea. Additionally, as
compared with previous literature that discusses th
e partial relationship between environmental
variables and firm performance, this study synthesi
zes the factors of green awareness and green
strategy that may affect green logistics management
, based on a total systematic structural equation
model (SEM). SEM has advantages in examining the ca
usal relationship between green logistics
practice and business performance. Our results demo
nstrate the positive impact of green awareness
and green logistics practice on logistics performan
ce, whereas the influence of green strategy on
logistics performance is apparently not significant