I was just sitting here thinking about all of you. I was thinking that I know alot of things about how your anxiety effects your lives. I would love to find out more about all of you. I consider all of you confidants, I have been able to tell you things about my fellings that even my closest family don't even know.
I have alot of people I love and
it is really hard to pick a favorate person. I was able to spend some time this weekend with my grandmother. My grandmother is 96 years young. My mother is in a nursing home. I hate to say this because it makes me sad,her mind and body are in worse shape than her mother my grandmothers are. My grandmother was born in 1912. Can you imagine what she has lived through? The changes she has seen in her life? She has seen the deaths of all of her 5 siblings except one who was born when she was 17. She has been the only person in my life who has loved me unconditionally. Her wisdom is behond anyone else I have ever known.
I could go on about my gram forever!
Tell me about your favorite person!Smile
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