Comparison Between LOTCA and MMSE
Normal distributions of total scores of LOTCA
and MMSE tests were demonstrated in 60 patients
with stroke. A strong and significant correlation
between the total scores of both tests was
shown by Pearson correlation test (r = 0.934, p <
0.001), with a trend of apparent positive correlation
observed on a correlation scatter plot (Figure
1). Further, as shown by Spearman correlation
test, there were moderate to high correlations between
the total scores of LOTCA and the scores
of MMSE sub-items, and between any LOTCA
sub-item scores and the total scores of MMSE
(Table II). In addition, statistically significant
correlations were demonstrated between all LOTCA
sub-items and all MMSE sub-items (p <
0.05). Age and education level had similar effects
on both tests and did not correlate with the total
scores of both tests (Table II).
The correlations between the total scores of
both tests in three groups ranged from moderate
to strong (Table III). The lowest correlation coefficients
were observed in the stroke control group
(Table III). Further, correlations between LOTCA
sub-items of visuomotor organization and attention/
absorption, and total MMSE scores were
relatively low in the cognitive impairment group
(r = 0.513, p = 0.004, and r = 0.364, p = 0.048;
Table III). In addition, in the stroke control
group, the correlation between visuomotor organization
score and the total MMSE score was also
relatively low (r = 0.444, p = 0.014; Table III).