The amla containing medium
having a TSS of 20%, pH 4.5, prepared as
hot water extract was subjected to batch
fermentation. The medium containing
intact amla berries, was taken in
Erlenmeyer flask (5 l), inoculated with
10% v/v yeast inoculum, supplemented
with 100 ppm sodium metabisulphite and
incubated in a stationery state after
plugging with cotton wool in a
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
incubator at 37oC. The contents of the
flask were mixed 2-3 times a day daily
and the progress in fermentation was
noted by analyzing TSS with the help of a
hand refractometer.
After completion of the
fermentation, the contents were siphoned
using a rubber tubing to separate the amla
berries that rose to the top and the yeast
cells, which settled at the bottom. The
wine was clarified, by repeated siphoning
for 3-4 times after a sedimentation period
of 3 days each and analyzed for various