things were heating up between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez on instargram over the weekend and not exactly in a good way fans can toss their jolina dreams out the window because after this tip it's pretty clear that they are never ever ever getting back together again major drama went down on Instargram and it all started after Justin posted a bunch of selfies his this report a new boo thang Sophia Richie as soon as those pigs hit the gram band started bombarding Justin pictures with snake emojis and hateful comments so as a response to all of that Justin threatened to make his Instargram private the Cold water singer caption his picture with quote i'm gonna make my Instargram private if you guys don't stop the hate this is getting out of hand if you guys are really fans you wouldn't be so mean to people that I like I think Justin was totally justified in saying that since he is a human after all the bad comment did not and all the drama like the beach had hoped instead it just opened up a can of worms because that caption reportedly caused Selena to step in and defend this fans the very people in the past gave the killing with kindness singer it's hotter craft for dating their idols Selena reportedly comment on justin's picture with sophia by saying quote if you can handle the hate and stop posting pictures of your girlfriend LOL is should be special between you two only don't be mad at your fan they love you they were there for you before anyone does make a good point there to Justin not be one to back down from a fight verbally or physically commend shorty after his ex by writing it's funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way sad all of i'm not one for anyone receiving hate hope you all can be kind to my friends and each other and yes i love my biebers and if you thought that last comment by Justin ended the convo they did not Selena had the last word and the last laugh when she left a comment and insinuated that Justin cheat about her during heir relationship sell road funny how the ones that cheated multiple times are pointing with finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive no wonder fans are mad sad all of wolf not too long after that last comment Selena returned to her own page to upload a photo collage to show her appreciation the people who helped her get to where she is today the singer wrote a heartfelt caption to her selenators and said that they were quote my whole life you matter most thank you for letting me do what I love every day
well now that that's kind of over i want to hear your thoughts on this likely to get a pic of selena Justin's back and forth on Instargram and the insinuations of cheating please were you totally surprised to see Selena suddenly commenting on this picture let me know in the comment section