In this paper, we present a shape descriptor based on an-
gles taken from dierent view points in dierent size rings
placed around the shape centroid in dierent heights in a
cone shape, see Figure 1. The independence to boundary
points, enables extending the descriptor to gray level im-
ages and multiple disconnected components. In the pre-
sented approach, the shape is treated as a two dimensional
set of points and the dierent rings are sets of upper view
points in dierent heights. Sizes and heights of these rings
are calculated using the diameter and centroid of the shape
to enable scale and translation invariance. The presented
descriptor can be applied to edge map images and gray level
images, and not only to contours as with the shape context.
Generally, the presented descriptor can be thought of, as
merging and extending the Shape Context and the Angular
Radial Partitioning descriptors.