A diet can throw your body out of balance
The UK survey found that one in three women starts dieting between the ages of 15 and 20. Most then routinely diet about three times a year, but over 10 percent diet five times a year. Trouble is, many schemes are too strict, which can bring metabolism to a screeching halt, and others are approaches that result in an imbalance. For example, cutting fat too low can lead to a surplus of carbs your body can’t burn, which then get socked away in your fat cells. And diets that permit eating unlimited amounts of “allowed” foods essentially sanction overeating, and unfortunately, any time you eat more than your body needs, even healthy stuff, the excess feeds body fat.
A diet can throw your body out of balanceThe UK survey found that one in three women starts dieting between the ages of 15 and 20. Most then routinely diet about three times a year, but over 10 percent diet five times a year. Trouble is, many schemes are too strict, which can bring metabolism to a screeching halt, and others are approaches that result in an imbalance. For example, cutting fat too low can lead to a surplus of carbs your body can’t burn, which then get socked away in your fat cells. And diets that permit eating unlimited amounts of “allowed” foods essentially sanction overeating, and unfortunately, any time you eat more than your body needs, even healthy stuff, the excess feeds body fat.
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