Data Analysis
Percentages and frequencies described the younger (13–16 years) and older (17–19 years) adolescent demographically and the prevalence of depressive symptoms and VE by gravidity and parity. For descriptive purposes, depressive symptoms were defined as minor (10–12) and major (13 and above) per the authors of the EPDS. Differences for repeat pregnancies among groups that reported depressive symptoms or VE were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The outcome variable of repeated pregnancy (measured as gravida and parity) was recoded as 0 and 1 because of the small number of multigravid and multiparous adolescents, with 0 equal to one pregnancy/living child and 1 equal to two or more pregnancies/living children. Logistic regression was performed to determine the extent to which repeat pregnancy, measured as gravidity and parity, was predicted by depressive symptoms and VE. The model alphas were set to .10 as is recommended by Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000) for pilot data submitted to logistic regression. Multicollinearity diagnostics, including tolerance and variance inflation factor values, were well within normal limits.
Data AnalysisPercentages and frequencies described the younger (13–16 years) and older (17–19 years) adolescent demographically and the prevalence of depressive symptoms and VE by gravidity and parity. For descriptive purposes, depressive symptoms were defined as minor (10–12) and major (13 and above) per the authors of the EPDS. Differences for repeat pregnancies among groups that reported depressive symptoms or VE were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The outcome variable of repeated pregnancy (measured as gravida and parity) was recoded as 0 and 1 because of the small number of multigravid and multiparous adolescents, with 0 equal to one pregnancy/living child and 1 equal to two or more pregnancies/living children. Logistic regression was performed to determine the extent to which repeat pregnancy, measured as gravidity and parity, was predicted by depressive symptoms and VE. The model alphas were set to .10 as is recommended by Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000) for pilot data submitted to logistic regression. Multicollinearity diagnostics, including tolerance and variance inflation factor values, were well within normal limits.
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