In another 20 years ahead in my thoughts. If everyone is still doing the worse the living today. The world in the future, there will be more to human evil. Selfish There is no consciousness of forests will be destroyed, animal waste polluted water sources, waste overflow extinction air polluted city. The food shortage. A lot of people! Relying less and less space. Global warming and disaster All countries killing things until another war technology advancement But the human mind is different from the lower back, not an animal. Robot or human technology represent a human being until it is garbage. The robot, thus destroying the human race, until extinction. When all the world is human. But if all men are good people, and I see an unforgettable. In the future, it will be good, but. There is a lack of awareness. See the benefits section private benefits. Growing forests sprout Animal growth, abundant food source, the water source area of clean air, fresh, warm sun. Live preview of happy people. All countries turn to come together, share, help each other advance technology with the human spirit. The machine is used to lighten the burden of the human being, and if humans known to exist in the world happy.