As reports about the stability and water activity of grape juice powder have not been reported, the present results were compared to other encapsulated raw materials. The water activity of the concentrated green Malphigia juice was added with maltodextrin and arabic gum. These two ingredients were added in the same proportion applied to the grape juice in the present work, ranging from 0.21 in the spray-drying to 0.23 in the freeze-drying. The microcapsules were 6.3 and 7.0% humidity, respectively (Righetto and Netto 2005). Barros and Stringheta (2006) reported that the encapsulated anthocyanins extracted from Mellinis minutiflora presented the humidity of 4% when mixed with 30% maltodextrin, while the combination of 25% maltodextrin and 5% arabic gum increased the powder humidity to 4.6%. The freeze-dried samples of pomace containing anthocyanin and maltodextrin DE20 showed good shelf life stability during the storage on 50°C/0.5 aw for two months.