During placement
As a student you have a responsibility to:
✦ be proactive in seeking out experiences for your level
of practice and competence with the support of your
✦ demonstrate a willingness to work as part of the
team in the delivery of safe patient care
✦ learn to express your needs and adopt a questioning,
reflective approach to your learning within the multidisciplinary
✦ use your mentor for guidance and support to enable
you to achieve your learning outcomes and
satisfactorily complete your practice assessments
✦ seek help from appropriate clinical managers or link
lecturer if the mentor relationship is not working, to
enable the achievement of the learning outcomes
✦ ensure that clinical skills required at each stage in the
programme are attempted under the supervision of a
skilled practitioner,with comments provided by both
you and your mentor
✦ utilise learning opportunities outside the practice
placements and,where possible,work with specialist
✦ identify the role of professionals within other
contexts of the organisation or community, for
example, in X-ray, pharmacy and outpatients
✦ give and receive constructive feedback
✦ reflect on your progress to increase self-awareness,
confidence and competence
During placementAs a student you have a responsibility to:✦ be proactive in seeking out experiences for your levelof practice and competence with the support of yourmentor✦ demonstrate a willingness to work as part of theteam in the delivery of safe patient care✦ learn to express your needs and adopt a questioning,reflective approach to your learning within the multidisciplinaryteam✦ use your mentor for guidance and support to enableyou to achieve your learning outcomes andsatisfactorily complete your practice assessments✦ seek help from appropriate clinical managers or linklecturer if the mentor relationship is not working, toenable the achievement of the learning outcomes✦ ensure that clinical skills required at each stage in theprogramme are attempted under the supervision of askilled practitioner,with comments provided by bothyou and your mentor✦ utilise learning opportunities outside the practiceplacements and,where possible,work with specialistpractitioners✦ identify the role of professionals within othercontexts of the organisation or community, forexample, in X-ray, pharmacy and outpatients✦ give and receive constructive feedback✦ reflect on your progress to increase self-awareness,confidence and competence
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