Projecting a Positive Leadership Image
Leadership communication depends on the ability to project a positive image, or more specifically, a positive ethos, inside an organization and outside. To understand ethos, it helps to look back at the original definitions found in the writing of the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle identified three types of persuasive appeals: (1) logos, (2) pathos, and (3) ethos. Logos is an appeal based upon the logic of an argument, while pathos is an appeal based on the use of emotions. Ethos is an appeal based on the perceived character of the sender of the message. Is the person trustworthy, confident, believable, knowledgeable, and a man or woman of integrity? If the audience does not trust or believe the speaker or writer, logic or emotion will have little persuasive force. Leadership Communication: A communication Approach for Senior-Level Managers by Deborah J. Barrett, Ph.D. Handbook of Business Strategy Emerald Group Publishing, 2006. Pages 385-390